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Monday, October 8, 2012


Hello Award Winning Marching Band,

   If you haven't heard, the Our Lady of Mercy Marching Band won 2 trophies at the Band Review in Fresno on Wednesday. 
     Our Drum Line brought home a 4th place (2nd year in a row)!
     Our Drum Major took home a 1st place (good job Zach)!

   The most frequent comments from the judges and the areas that need the most improvement are in regards to marching in step.  An email with the soundtracks for this year's march was sent out on October 8th at 4am. 
Every student's homework assignment is to listen to the soundtracks at the various speeds while "marking time" with their feet (left foot on count 1 and right foot on count 2). 
If students have access to a portable music player, actually marching is better than marking time.
Our next Band Review is about a month away.  The schools we're competing with have daily classes in addition to before and after school rehearsals.  I want our students to have a music education regardless how well other schools are doing.  However, it's always nice to be competitive.  The only way we can compete, is if students (with help from parents) practice and work on their own, outside of their band class. 
Please help me reinforce good study and practice habits.
          God Bless,   Bj