Hello Color Guard,
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
Attendance to the Color Guard class hasn't been very consistent. We only had one guard member show up for Friday's class.
Coach Gabe would like the Color Guard to do well this year so he is volunteering to do a two hour Color Guard class on Tuesday this week from 1:40-3:40 in addition to the usual Thursday from 1:40-2:40. This is intended to be for the whole Color Guard whether you think you need a make-up session or not.
If students can only make the "during school" or "after school" portion of this session we understand however, It would work best if all guard members could be there the entire time.
There is no school this Friday so please make your best effort to attend.
If you know you have to miss a practice, please let me, Coach Gabe or the Color Guard Captain know as soon as possible.
Students will be responsible for any missed class work, homework, instruction or tests. Please be sure to communicate with teachers ahead of time. Often, a teacher can issue assignments ahead of schedule in order to avoid homework overload or even late penalties.
We only have one competition this year which means we only have one chance to be at our best. Please be sure to practice and review on your own what you already know in addition to learning the new material.
Also don't forget, October band donations are due.
God Blesses our work, Bj