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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Relay For Life Performance

Hello Band & Music Classes,

If you haven't heard,

Our Lady of Mercy is supporting the Relay for Life on April 27th. 

The band will be performing on the main stage at 10 am in the stadium at Merced College. 

If you know you're child will be able to make that performance, and has their performance piece learned by then, please e-mail with your child's T-shirt size to BJ. 

All performers will be getting a Relay for Life T-shirt!!! 

We also need to know if anyone needs a ride, and how many extra seats do you have in your car.

     God is Good,


Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Hello band,

This month's BAND meeting is a week earlier than usual.  That's this Wednesday, March 20th from 6:30 to 8 pm in the band room. 

This is a very important meeting, we will be confirming spring schedule dates & times. 

If you know you can't make the meeting,  please review the band schedule (below) and let me know which days & times are a conflict before Wednesday.  We might be able to work around your schedule on a few events. 

We're small this year, we need as many as possible just to be allowed to compete.

We might not be very big, but we're sure going big. 

With God's help and parental support, this will be an awesome spring season!

Trusting Jesus, BJ


Dates may not have been confirmed
Mar. 21 -- Locals Only Winter Guard & Winter Percussion Show - Golden Valley HS, Merced 5:30 pm

Apr 9, 10 or 13 -- Concert Band & Jazz Band competitions - Washington Union or CSU Fresno

April 12 -- End of Year Band Trip to Great America - All day event
April 20 -- Mandatory Marching Practice at the school.  10 am to 1 pm
April 27 -- Merced Baseball Opening Day Parade 10 AM  
April 27 -- Relay for Life Parade
May. 3 -- Grandparent’s Day entertainment (during school)
May. 4 -- Los Banos Spring Fair parade 9 AM
May. 6 -- flower fundraiser for mothers -- sales start
May. 8 -- End of Year Performance & Awards -- 6:30-8 pm
May. 10 -- Talent Show (during school)
               -- Cap & Town performance after school

May. 11 -- Vallejo Concert / Jazz Competition, Vallejo
May. 18 -- Armijo Concert / Jazz Competition, Fairfield
May. 18 -- Chowchilla Spring Fair, 10 am
Jun. 11 -- Practice for fair performance 10:30 am-12:00 noon - OLM School
Jun. 13 -- Fair Performance
Jul. 2 -- Practice for the 4th of July parade 10:30 am-12:00 noon - OLM School
Jul. 4 -- 4th of July parade  9 am
Jul. ---  summer fundraiser

Locals Only Performance

Hello Winter Colorguard & Percussion,

Well it's here! 
The Merced Local's Only show is this Thursday, March 21st at 5:30 pm in the Golden Valley High School Gym. 
I've attached the trip sheet and some other details they want us to know. 
They are asking for $1 at the door (proceeds to go to 1 middle school and 1 HS in a random drawing).
There will be a snack booth this year so bring a little money.
This is an excellent opportunity for those less able to travel to come see our award winning performances! 
I look forward to seeing you there.

God is Good, Bj

Our Lady of Mercy School
Band Program                                                                                  Thursday March 21st, 2013

Local’s Only Winter Review

at Golden Valley HS

Winter Percussion and Winter Color Guard


4:30 PM         Percussion arrive at Golden Valley HS & unload equipment (eat prior to arrival!!!).   Please wear something modest to be worn under the uniform.  Winter percussion change into your uniforms.  Take off jewelry. 
                        All black shin high socks, marching band shoes. Your equipment, instrument stand, sticks, etc. is your responsibility!!!!!!!!!

4:45 PM         Color Guard arrive at Golden Valley HS & unload equipment.  Color Guard needs to be dressed
4:50 PM         Warm-up & prepare for the performance (everyone)
5:25 PM         Winter percussion report to Stand-by
5:30 PM         OLM Winter Percussion Performance!  (ALL Color Guard will respectfully watch the Percussion)!

5:36 PM         Performance discussion
5:38 PM         Winter Percussion homework assignment:  observe other percussion performances & record 1.) something you liked 2.) something you didn’t like 3.) something you observed that you can add to your own performance.  Must be something different than what you wrote last time.

6:32 PM         Short break (there is a snack booth) use the bathroom, drink some water.

6:40 PM         Winter Color Guard report to Stand-by
6:45 PM         OLM Winter Color Guard Performance!  (ALL Percussion will respectfully watch the Color Guard)!

6:51 PM         Performance discussion
6:53 PM         Winter Color Guard homework assignment: observe other Color Guard performances & record 1.) something you liked 2.) something you didn’t like 3.) something you observed that you can add to your own performance. Must be something different than what you wrote last time.

8:10 PM         After last performance - load equipment!!! 

                        If you must leave early, please don’t forget the equipment (things have been lost before).

8:20 PM          Depart back to OLM & assist with unloading &clean-up!!

Times are approximate & subject to change without notice. 
All school rules & consequences will apply including the dress code. 
Dinner is on your own. 
Our success will be our performance. 
Gooooooooooooooooo Lancers!