Tentative Calendar 2012-2013 - UPDATE #4
Dates Subject To Change
Nov. 2012
Mondays -- Electives (basic dance, music & rhythm)
Nov. 10 -- Central California Band Review & jazz, Merced (All Day) Mike Vasquez 385-8081 Nov. 11 -- Merced Veterans Day Parade $20 1:00 PM from G St. to O St. Jim Kanabay 385-7636 Ph & Fax Kay Spears 385-7588 www.co.merced.ca.us Nov 13-15 -- Winter Guard Try Outs - Open to 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th , 7th & 8th Graders Nov. 28 -- BAND BOOSTER MEETING - 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Band room - At least one adult representative for each marching band student is requested. - Remember, all meetings count toward volunteer hours. Dec. 2012
Dec. 1 -- Merced Christmas Parade, Merced CA 724-8104 - 3pm
Dec. 19 -- Christmas Performance at St. Patricks Dec. 20 -- BAND BOOSTER MEETING This is a Thursday instead of a Wednesday - 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Band room - At least one adult representative for each marching band student is requested. - Remember, all meetings count toward volunteer hours. Jan. 2013 Jan. 15-26 -- MMCMEA County Honor Band audition, practices & performance Jan. 30 -- BAND BOOSTER MEETING - 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Band room - At least one adult representative for each marching band student is requested. - Remember, all meetings count toward volunteer hours. Feb. 2013
Feb. 2 & 3 -- Bake sale fundraiser
Feb. 15 or 16 -- Winter competitions for color guard & percussion Ceres or FresnoFeb. 6 -- Cherish luncheon performance Feb 19-- Sees Candy Fundraiser Starts - PENDING APPROVAL FROM MRS. BLACKBURN - At least one adult representative for each marching band student is requested. - Remember, all meetings count toward volunteer hours. March 2013 Mondays -- Electives (basic dance, music & rhythm) March 2 -- Concert band & jazz band competitions CSU Stanislaus Turlock 9am - 5pm March 2 or 23 -- Winter competitions for color guard & percussion Ceres or Fresno March 8 or 22 -- Winter competitions for color guard & percussion Ceres or Fresno March 9 -- Vallejo “L” Pattern Vallejo Carmel Pajita 707-326-9433
March 23 -- El Grove or Foothill “L” pattern Mario Sebastian 916-224-8086 (Elk Grove) or John Butterfield 209-598-2277 (Foothill) March 18 - Sees Candy Fundraiser $ Due March 20 -- BAND BOOSTER MEETING - 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Band room - At least one adult representative for each marching band student is requested. - Remember, all meetings count toward volunteer hours. March 28 -- Locals Only Winter Show – Golden Valley High School – Merced CA April 2013 April 9, 10 & mike.hipp@washingtonunion.net, meh31@comcast.net, 559-288-4316 or CSU Fresno Gayane Korkmazian Fax # 559-456-2965 or 559-255-5803 April 20-- Merced Baseball Opening Day Parade Mick Rayna 725-0883 658-2742 April 24 -- BAND BOOSTER MEETING - 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Band room - At least one adult representative for each marching band student is requested. - Remember, all meetings count toward volunteer hours. April 27-- Relay for Life Parade May 2013 May 3 -- Entertainment Grandparent’s Day -- Concert band & jazz band competitions May 4-- Los Banos Spring Fair Parade ($50) 658-0451 or 826-5166 May 6-- Flower Fundraiser for Mothers Sale Starts May 8-- End of School Year Performance & Awards May 10 -- Flower Fundraiser for Mothers Sale - FLOWERS DELIVERED TO STUDENTS May 9-10-- Talent Show then Cap & Town Performance Maria Mendoza 756-2820, 385-6827, 723-1780 fax, 388-7609 e-fax ewenj@cityofmerced.org May 11-- Vallejo concert / jazz competitions Vallejo Ken Smith (ex-51107) 707-556-5700
May 18-- Armijo concert / jazz competitions Louise Jacob (707) 438‐3307 May 18-- Chowchilla Spring Fair 559-665-4501 chowchillafair.orgJeff Ross456-2351 May 24-25 -- End of School Year Band Trip May 29 -- BAND BOOSTER MEETING - 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Band room - At least one adult representative for each marching band student is requested. - Remember, all meetings count toward volunteer hours (2013/2014 school year). June 2013
June 11 -- Practice for Fair Performance 10:30 am-12:00 noon
June 13 -- Fair Performance 559-324-9393 judieviki@aol.comJune 26 -- BAND BOOSTER MEETING - 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Band room - At least one adult representative for each marching band student is requested. - Remember, all meetings count toward volunteer hours. July 2013 July 2-- Practice for 4th of July Parade10:30 am-12:00 noon July 4-- 4th of July parade - At least one adult representative for each marching band student is requested. - Remember, all meetings count toward volunteer hours. |
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