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Sunday, February 10, 2013


Hello Drum Line & Color Guard,

It's winter competition time!!
Next Saturday, February 16th is the annual winter guard & winter percussion competition in Modesto from 7:30 am to around 7 pm.
Attached is the plan for the day as well as directions and maps.
If you could please respond to this e-mail with your confirmation of your child's participation, it would be greatly appreciated (we're hoping every one's had this date on their calendar for months now). Also, we'll be carpooling, if you've taken the safe environment training and are willing to help transport students, would you please respond with your number of available seats please? If your child needs a ride, please let us know that as well as soon as possible.
Our School seems to have a higher than average amount of Parental involvement with the students. This is not only beneficial for the academics, but also incredibly effective for our music program. The band teaching staff have been drilling instruction but essentially it's up to the students to review & practice what they've learned on their own at home. It's not too late to double check with your child their practice schedule. We don't consider the trophy as the most important lesson in music education however, it's a nice icing on the cake.

His banner over me is Love,


CVGPC Winter Review at Enochs HS

Winter Percussion and Winter Color Guard

7:30 AM         Arrive at OLM  band room (eat breakfast prior to arrival!!!). 
                      Percussion please wear something modest to be worn under the uniform. 
                      Color Guard needs to be dressed already - socks, leggings / bottoms, tops,
                             undergarments, gloves, jazz shoes, foundation, eye liner & mascara. 
                      Meeting in the band room. 
                      Load vehicles according to instruction. 
                      Depart for Modesto.
9:00 AM         Arrive in Modesto.  Quick bathroom break & unload equipment.
9:10 AM         Winter Guard warm-up and prepare for the competition
10:04 AM       Report to Stand-by
10:14 AM       OLM Winter Color Guard Performance!
                           (ALL Percussion will respectfully watch the Color guard)!
10:30 AM       Performance discussion
10:45 AM       Winter color guard load equipment onto vehicles
11:00 AM       Winter color guard homework assignment:
                       observe other color guard performances and record
                     1. something you liked
                     2. something you didn’t like
                     3. something you observed that you can add to your own performance this year.
11:40 AM       Meet for lunch (On your own: ~$5 - $7)
12:40 PM       Winter percussion change into your uniforms in the changing rooms -  
                          all black shin high socks, marching band shoes.  
                          Take off jewelry. 
                          Your uniform, equipment, sticks, etc. is your responsibility.
1:00 PM          Winter percussion warm-up and prepare for the competition
1:44 PM          Report to Stand-by
1:54 PM          OLM Winter Percussion Performance!
                            (ALL Color Guard will respectfully watch the Percussion)!
2:05 PM          Performance discussion
2:20 PM          Winter percussion load all equipment onto vehicles
2:30 PM          Winter percussion homework assignment: 
                     1. something you liked
                     2. something you didn’t like
                     3. something you observed that you can add to your own performance this year.

3:20 PM          Meet for unity games
4:50 PM          Beth Ann and Andrew in uniform with salutes ready for Awards in the gymnasium
5:05 PM          Awards ceremony at the Enochs school gymnasium (be ready to cheer)
6:00 PM          Meet to discuss possible dinner stop on the way home
6:05 PM          Depart for OLM (immediately following the awards – use the restroom)
7:00 PM          Arrive back at OLM and assist with unloading and clean-up!!
Times are approximate and subject to change without notice.  All school rules and consequences will apply including the dress code.  Lunch is on your own.  Our success will be our performance and not the award ceremony!
Gooooooooooooooooo Lancers!
Band Director             Bj Humpal                 723-3833 or 489-0084
Drum Line                  Caitlin Bray                756-5304                 
Color Guard Coach    Linda Vang               723-6256                  

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