Band Booster Meeting Minutes (by Secretary, Liza Gomez Daglio)
23rd October 2014
Meeting starts: 6:45 pm.
- Mr. Humpal discussed the progress of the children; they are doing a good job, but some of them do not have the music ready for Veterans Day. However, the coaches and Mr. Humpal continue to work with them.
- Kids need to practice!
-Positions available
- The announcement for president, vice-president, G & WC Liaison are available, for more information, please contact Mr. Humpal.
After the conversation with Mr. Balckburn, the uniform for this year will be:
- Polo shirts. These were ordered and paid by OLM BAND.
- Black DICKIES (or dress pants, PLEASE no cargo, huskies or pockets). ‘THIS IS PARENTS’ RESPONSIBILITY’
- Shoes, some parents made the deposits others did not. If you would like to order the shoes to get the bulk discount, please follow Mr. Humpal’s announcements.
-Budget #3
- Following the meeting with Mrs. Balckburn, the budget was modified. The purchase of band uniform and performance were cut.
- Rebecca Ybarra made the motion to accept the budget #3 and Amanda Campbell made the second
- Only local presentations were included in the new budget.
- Instruments and carriers: The band program needs to replace, buy and fix some of the instruments and carriers in order to all the kids can perform.
- Not all the children would like to march, so a discussion concerning who wants or need to march was on the table. The idea is to reduce the money that will be spent in the instruments, if there are children that are not willing to march.
- The only activity allowed by Mrs. Blackburn to fundraise the necessities of the Band program will be the “BAKE SALE”.
- For the bake sale, it is very important to sell the tickets (pre-sale tickets) in order to raise more money.
- Ana María (chair) and Amelia (aid) will coordinate the fundraiser event.
However, DONATIONS directed to the BAND PROGRAM are more than welcome.
The budget was approved.