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Monday, December 16, 2013


Christmas time Greetings to Our Lady of Mercy music Program participants,
If you haven't heard, just around the corner is our Christmas Performance!!!  It will be this
Wednesday, December 18th in St. Patrick's Church At 6:30 pm. 
So far, only Josh, Alex, Leo, Jonathan E., Nathaniel, Cheyenne, Tiare & Diego have confirmed their availability for this performance.  If you know your child can make the show, please respond or call as soon as possible with your confirmation.

Marching band students with full uniform please show up at 5:45 pm to get ready. Please wear something modest with no buttons, pockets or collar to be worn under the uniform.
Marching band students with polo shirt please show up at 5:50 pm to get ready. Please wear your school uniform navy pants & a modest shirt with no buttons, pockets or collar to be worn under the uniform polo.  Do your hair nice, we will not be wearing shakos. 
Everyone needs to have their band shoes & socks.  Please feel encouraged to put Christmas decorations on instruments, harnesses & equipment but double check to be certain that decorations do not hinder performance or cause damage to instrument, parts or equipment (no damaging tape or exposed sharp wire).

Students will be responsible for their instrument & equipment in addition to rides to & from the event.  Please make arrangements to have large & heavy equipment (drums & keyboards) transported before school is out on Wednesday.  Chairs & music stands aren't guaranteed either.  If you need it, bring it.

Family & friends are welcome & encouraged to attend.
There will also be a performance at the School this Tuesday for the students at 8:30 am.  Music Program participants need to remember to bring their instrument, music & equipment to the school on Tuesday.  The performance line-up will be the same for both shows.

Prior to start of show, all 4th graders sit on first step of stage, keyboard class, drum set & drum line instruments will be set up on stage & ready to perform.

1st is basic flag routine - after performing sit with parents.
2nd is recorder performance Jingle Bells - after performing sit with parents (Diego get ready for Holly Jolly).
3rd is basic riffle routine - after performing sit with parents.
4th is keyboard class Jolly old St. Nick - after performing take keyboards & instrument stands off stage leaving 3 chairs & music stands then get ready for the Thunderer.

5th is drum line cadence - after performing clear stage & then get ready for the next performance (Tiare on "jingle bell rock everyone else on Thunderer).

6th is beginning band Holly Jolly - after performing clear stage leaving 2 chairs & music stands then get ready for the next performance (Diego on Greensleeves everyone else on Thunderer).

7th is drum set Jingle bell rock - after performing clear stage of the drum set & get ready for the Thunderer.

8th is guitar up on the house top (remain on stage)

9th is guitar Greensleeves - after performing clear stage quickly & get ready for the Thunderer.

10th is marching band the Thunderer - after performance everything off & get ready for the play performance quickly!!
The 4th graders will be in front of the stage & on the first 2 steps at the start of the show with the keyboard class & drum set already on stage behind them. 
The drum line instruments will be on the stage while the other classes are performing.  The drum line students may enter the stage & put their instruments on while the audience is clapping for the keyboard performance. 
The keyboard class & drum set class could use help from anyone available to get the keyboards, instrument stands & drum set off the stage (just grab what you can carry) be sure to leave 3 chairs & stands for the beginning band after the keyboard performance, & 2 chairs & stands for the guitar class after the drum set performance. 
The guitar class could use help with the chairs & stands after they perform so the stage is clear for the marching band. 
Wind instruments & percussion will form the band block on center stage while the color guard & drum major have the floor in front of the stage. 
After performing the march, anyone in the play needs to quickly change into their costume (don't wait for dismissal).

We will have less than 3 minutes for each performance.  It is very important that students
only take onto stage what they need for their performance (no books, cases, old music, etc.).  We could use a band parent back stage to help relay "you're up" & "you're on deck" to the performers to help things go smoothly. 
Please double check equipment after the show.  Things have been lost in the past.  We want everything back at the school before Christmas vacation.  If you took it there, please bring it back too.

I appreciate all the prayers, help & support from those who've been doing it.  I know this is
going to be a good show.  I'm excited about the new season.  Please stay updated with our band blog.

        following the star,


Saturday, November 30, 2013


Our Lady of Mercy School
Marching Band & Music Program

Christmas Parade Performance!!

December 7th!!

parade starts at 3:00 pm

Students please show up at 217 East 18th street (by “D” street) at 2:35 pm to get ready. Performance attire is as much Christmas colors and decorations as you can wear.  Please be certain decorations do not hinder performance or cause damage (tape can cause damage when peeled off and exposed sharp wire scratches).  Please consider wearing warm undergarments for the seasonal weather.  Students will be responsible for their instrument/equipment and rides to and from the event.  Family and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend. We can use all the help we can get!  I hope everyone is practicing the Thunderer (please note attachment in email).
If you have any questions, please call
Bj  or Kevin at: or

Friday, November 15, 2013

November Band Meeting

Our Lady of Mercy school
music program booster meeting
At least one adult representative for each student is requested
November 20th
This Wednesday, in the Band Room
(we will end at 8:00 whether we’re done or not)
from 6:30-8:00 pm
proposed agenda:
projections / changes for band schedule
upcoming performances
new fundraisers
Reports from each officer
President: Kevin Van Pelt,
Treasurer: Rebecca Ybarra,
CG&WCL & Communications: Nicole Fonda,
Band booster Aides:  Anna Maria Vega
& Angel Estrada
If you have any questions, please call & leave a message.
counts toward volunteer hours

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Hello Band & Music Program
Sorry this is getting to you so late.  Below please find the itinerary for the Central California Band review this Saturday!  I know most of you have already confirmed your availability but there are still a few I'm waiting to hear from.  Uniforms are being worked on and shoes are on the way!  We may have a few students who don't fit into a uniform but we'll still march.  Plan on having the school uniform navy blue dress pants with all black socks.
Our Lady of Mercy School              Band Program                                 Saturday November 9th, 2013

Central California Band Review

8:25 AM         Arrive at Golden Valley High School (eat breakfast prior to arrival!!!)
                        check equipment, get into uniform, have uniform & shako checked.
8:50 AM          Assemble for warm ups, run-through & prayer.
9:10 AM          Report to formation area
9:30 AM          Marching & playing full run through.
9:45 AM          Our Lady of Mercy Marching Band Performance!
(ALL parents & spectators are encouraged to cheer loudly and enthusiastically)!
9:52 AM          Drum Line get ready!
9:55 AM          Our Lady of Mercy Marching Drum Line Performance!
10:00 AM        Performance discussion
10:10 AM        Carefully return shakos & instruments to cases. 
                        Change out of uniform. 
                        Have a band parent approve of how your uniform is hanging on it’s hanger.
10:30 AM        load equipment into vehicles (students are responsible for all equipment)
10:40 AM        Please thank our band boosters and parent volunteers.
10:42 AM        Homework assignment.  Every student needs to observe other performances.

Please record what 1 thing did you like about another group’s performance, what 1 thing did you not like about another group’s performance, what 1 thing did you see another group do that you could add to your own performance?

12:00 PM        lunch (On your own: ~$5 - $7)
1:25 PM          Drum Major, Color Guard Captain and Drum Line Section leader get into uniform
1:40 PM          Head to the stadium for awards ceremony
2:00 PM          Award ceremony (have salutes ready)
3:00 PM          Depart

Times are approximate and subject to change unexpectedly.  If anyone wants to unload equipment on Saturday, please call to determine when band room will be open.  Otherwise, just bring it to school next week.  All school rules and consequences will apply.  Lunch is on your own.  Our success will be in showing the love of Christ and not the award ceremony!  MAP OF PARADE ROUTE WILL BE GIVEN OUT TO STUDENT OR WILL BE AVAIL. DAY OF PARADE.

Below is the flier about the Veteran's day parade on Monday.  I know it's a day off but, it is a very worthy cause & it helps our school image (supporting the community & all that).  I've only had a few people confirm their availability for their participation at the parade on Monday November 11th.  Please respond or call at your earliest convenience.  This is open to any music program student.
Our Lady of Mercy School
Band & Music Program
Veteran’s day parade
FEATURING:     Drum Line     Marching Band     Color Guard
Monday November 11th!
The parade will start at “G” St. and West Main
  the band will meet in our formation area at 12:25pm at East Campus on 18th Street,

a little over 1 block from “G” st.  We will be changing into uniform at the High School the parade starts at 1:00 pm
Students are to be dressed in something modest and comfortable enough to be worn under their band uniform (shin high black socks and band shoes, Color Guard in white ankle socks {tan tights under socks OK if cold}, white shorts, white tank top {turtleneck OK if cold} and Color Guard shoes).  Students will be responsible for their own ride to and from the event as well as their instrument, equipment and necessary items for the performance.  We will not know our order in the line-up until we arrive at the parade.  If you have any questions, please call
Bj at: 723-3833 or Kevin at: 404-2035
There is a music events permission slip specifically for our music program (please have one on file with BJ on or before Friday Nov 8th).  It is identical to the permission slip you filled out for the school however, If you have not filled out the music events permission slip for your child and turned it in, he/she might not be able to participate.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call anytime & leave a message.  I don't answer my phone when I'm at work or church but I do check my messages throughout the day.

           my salvation is in Christ,  Bj

Monday, October 21, 2013

Minimum Day Schedule

OLM Music Program
Minimum Day Schedule

All this week!

don’t miss your music class!

October 21st through 25th

There will be a minimum day schedule the whole week starting on October 21st.  All music classes will still be held on the usual day but will start an hour earlier.  All 1:40 class students (meeting at 12:40 this week) need to bring a sack lunch or have something provided no later than 12:30 pm for a quick 10 min. lunch break.
If you have any questions, please respond or call


Our Lady of Mercy school
music program
Booster Meeting

October 23rd
This Wednesday, in the Band Room
(we will end at 8:00 whether we’re done or not)
from 6:30-8:00 pm

proposed agenda:
new staff position vacancies, projections/changes for band schedule,
upcoming performances, new fundraisers, Reports from each officer
If you have any questions, please respond or call


OLM Music Program
crazy early
Marching Practice

Before school!!!

2 Tuesdays in a row!!

October 29th from 6:40-7:40 am &

November 5th from 6:40-7:40 am

Drum Line, band proper and Color Guard
Our students will be preparing for our Marching Band competition on November 9th as well as two community parades coming up in November and December.  This will require some understanding in marching basics.  I know it’s early, but we want to try to be the best we can in a very short time.  Students are asked to have the performance piece, the Thunderer, memorized as soon as possible.  Please have sensible footwear and appropriate clothing for the climate of the day.  Also, make sure instruments are assembled and all necessary equipment is ready before the practice starts.
If you have any questions, please respond or call


Hello music program,

We're getting dangerously close to competition time and would like to know for sure who all is planning on attending. 

The band competition is on the morning of November 9th and it is here in Merced by Golden Valley High School. 

Please take the time to respond to let BJ know with a definite yes or no.  All music program students are welcome this year as we are small in size.

We need to know your child's shirt and shoe size & please specify if you use adult or child sizes.

 If you were at the uniform fitting meeting, I should already have this information but feel free to send it again just in case.

Please respond or call if you have any questions.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Color Guard Make Up Session

Hello Color Guard,
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Attendance to the Color Guard class hasn't been very consistent.  We only had one guard member show up for Friday's class. 

Coach Gabe would like the Color Guard to do well this year so he is volunteering to do a two hour Color Guard class on Tuesday this week from 1:40-3:40 in addition to the usual Thursday from 1:40-2:40.  This is intended to be for the whole Color Guard whether you think you need a make-up session or not.

If students can only make the "during school" or "after school" portion of this session we understand however, It would work best if all guard members could be there the entire time. 

There is no school this Friday so please make your best effort to attend.

If you know you have to miss a practice, please let me, Coach Gabe or the Color Guard Captain know as soon as possible.

Students will be responsible for any missed class work, homework, instruction or tests.  Please be sure to communicate with teachers ahead of time.  Often, a teacher can issue assignments ahead of schedule in order to avoid homework overload or even late penalties.

We only have one competition this year which means we only have one chance to be at our best.  Please be sure to practice and review on your own what you already know in addition to learning the new material.
Also don't forget, October band donations are due.

           God Blesses our work,   Bj

Friday, October 4, 2013


Special marching band clinic
With the famous director of the NCBA - Rowland Nielson
band proper only - (wind instruments, percussion, guitar and keyboard)
 this Tuesday - October 8th
1:40 to 2:40 PM
 In the Band Room - During school!
Please plan on attending the band class on Tuesday October 8th for this very special, one-time-only clinic. 
We will be reviewing the marching band song “The Thunderer”. 
Please try to have your music learned, mastered and memorized prior to this special event. 
You will need your music, instrument, implements and everything you use for the marching band song. 
Students who normally meet on a different day may skip one of their normal lesson days this week in order to be at this important event.
If you have any questions, please contact


 Bj,or Kevin or


Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Hello Color Guard,

I'm sorry for the late notice. 
Coach Gabe can't make practice today or Tuesdays from now on. 
We would like to switch the Tuesday practice to Fridays. 
The new schedule is Thursdays & Fridays from 1:40 to 2:40
We will still be having practice on minimum days but at the usual time. 
So this Friday will be 1:40 to 2:40 pm. 
I apologize for any inconvenience. 
Please let me or Coach Gabe know if you have any questions.

         God is good,



Beginning Band
     Monday 1:40-2:40
     Thursday 2:40-3:40
Drum Line
     Tuesday 1:40-2:40
     Thursday 1:40-2:40
Color Guard
     Thursday 1:40-2:40
     Friday 1:40-2:40
Advanced Band
     Wednesday 1:40-2:40
     Friday 1:40-2:40
Guitar Class
     Monday 2:40-3:40
     Thursday 3:40-4:40
Drum Set Class
     Tuesday 2:40-3:40
     Friday 3:40-4:40
Keyboard Class
     Tuesday 3:40-4:40
     Friday 2:40-3:40
Drum Major Class
     Wednesday 3:40-4:40
Make Up Sessions
     Wednesday 2:40-3:40

Band Update

There will be no band classes or make-up session this Wednesday October 2nd.  Don’t be blue.
Students may still practice their homework assignments at home so that they are ready for the next time we meet.

Our Lady of Mercy School
Music Program

Extra Credit Field trip!!!

marching bands from our area
at the Big Fresno Fair Band Review

Wednesday October 2nd!
Music Program students are invited to observe the "Big Fresno Fair Band Review" this Wednesday.  Free admission to the Fresno Fair!!!!!

After School!
Students must have their own ride to and from the event as well as appropriate supervision the entire time while at the Fair.  Tickets are limited and are available through Mr. Humpal.  Any student who observes the performances and records one thing they liked, one thing they didn’t like and one thing they could add to their own performance this year will receive extra credit.  There are a few extra tickets for parents and family members but they’re going quick!  The last bands perform around 4 pm so please leave town as soon as you can after school.  Students should plan on doing homework on the drive there or after they observe the band performances before going on rides/games/fun-stuff.
If you have any questions, please contact

  God Bless,