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Tuesday, December 2, 2014


BAND BOOSTER MEETING MINUTES - 20 NOV 2014      (By Mr. Humpal)      

The November 20th 2014 music program booster meeting started at 6:41 pm with 7 people present.

             The Band director requested parade & performance confirmation for the upcoming Christmas events.  Class attendance and more personal practice time needs to be encouraged so the students progress can be maximized. 

If your child has not tried on their shoes yet, please make arrangements to do so & pick them up. 

Pants should have been purchased already.  Every student needs black flat front Dickies brand pants with no cargo pockets. 

12-5 & 12-19 are minimum days.  All music program classes will be 2 hours earlier than usual on minimum days. 

Extra help was requested for the Christmas parade and Christmas performance.  At the parade, help is needed with the decorations, heavy instrument carriers need a break from time to time which will also help them to catch up with the rest of the band, also several parents are needed to help with water bottles & supervision.  Extra decorations were requested in case any student neglected to or couldn’t afford to decorate their instrument.  Instruction was given to avoid damaging the instruments with tape or exposed sharp metal.  We also discussed how the parent volunteers who walk with the band should remain in the back of the band or on the sidewalk behind the spectators during performances.  This will prevent an obstructed view of our performers.  We also need parent volunteers for the Christmas performance at St. Patrick’s.  We will need help moving equipment to and from the stage and parking lot, help is needed keeping track of children as well as wardrobe changes.
        The treasurer announced the current balance of the band account.  The communications director mentioned the update of the blog.  The online survey was discussed with a main point mentioned being how parents want to focus on local events.  6 strong volunteers are ready and available for the cleaning & re-arranging of the band room. 

Anna Maria & Amelia are co-chairs for the bake sale.  The dates for the bake sale have been confirmed for the weekend of January 31st to February 1st.  Mrs. Keeler will be contacted about the famous Keeler cake donations.  Mrs. Blackburn & the volunteer hour coordinator will be contacted to see if anyone wants to donate baked goods and/or volunteer at the booth.
            Extra performances were discussed at the retirement homes like mission gardens & Park Merced for sometime in February or March.  More performances are better.  Compliments were mentioned in regards to the Veteran’s Day performances.  A Sun Star article was submitted and will be posted on the blog or web page soon.
            Empty positions were discussed.  The position of ongoing fundraiser coordinator was highly recommended.
            Band performances & events were discussed:  Safe environment training may be done online.  Web site name was announced as “”.  4th grade electives were discussed.  We talked about the upcoming Christmas performances.  The official dress for the Christmas parade is Christmas attire primarily red and green.  Extra decorations on outfits and instruments is encouraged just be careful not to hinder the performance.  Song titles were listed.  The pre-sale tickets were discussed.  The official start date of the ticket sales was announced.  Ticket sales are very heavily encouraged.  Honor band date was changed to Jan 22nd through Feb 7th.  Honor band was described extensively.  Honor band was explained as part of the curriculum of Our Lady of Mercy Music program. 
           Announcement for the bake sale was suggested for the family envelopes.
         Suggestions were made regarding the bake sale.  Please plate store bought items and, if possible, donations should be marked appropriately for sugar free, gluten free or allergens (i.e. peanuts).  Prices were discussed.  Pre-sale tickets were explained.  Chair persons were recognized.
              December meeting was set for January 8th.  The coin jar fundraiser was introduced.  Parent’s requested volunteers for help during the classes.  We discussed individual small garment bags for the Polos & black pants which have already been purchased. 

Gratitude was expressed for the use of the location at the end of the parade.  It was requested to pursue possible use of that same facility for the end of the Christmas parade. 

Meeting adjourned at 8 pm.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving greetings,
I hope everyone enjoyed their week of vacation!  I'm sending this out as an update to be added to what was discussed at the last meeting and the blog.
The final numbers are in for the shoe order.  
If you've already purchased a used pair or if you paid full price for the new ones, kindly disregard this part of the e-mail.  
The final total was $27.87 including tax & shipping.  
If you already paid your $15 down payment (most of you have) then the remaining balance for the shoes is $12.87.  
Remember, only the monthly donation is made out to Mr. Humpal.  
All other payments need to be made out to OLM band and turned in to Teresa.  
Please mark what the purchase is for in the notes portion of your check. 
If your child has not taken their shoes yet, please make arrangements to do so.
The following students NEED to turned in their medical form:
              I. Dimsey
              J. Bartley
              M. Garrison
              T. Dimsey
Please fill out your copy as soon as possible.
Parade & performance availability confirmation for the upcoming Christmas events is needed as soon as you know. 
Respond or call at your earliest convenience.
Pants should have been purchased already. 
Every student needs black flat front Dickies brand pants with no cargo pockets before our December 17th performance.  
Please mark your child's name in permanent ink on the inside tag & bring them in.  
Just a reminder, 12-5 & 12-19 are minimum days. 
All music program classes will be 2 hours earlier than usual on minimum days.
Extra help is requested for the Christmas parade and Christmas performance. 
At the parade, help is needed with
     the decorations,
     heavy instrument carriers need a break from time to time 
     several parents are needed to help with water bottles & supervision. 
Feel free to bring extra decorations in case any student neglected to or couldn’t afford to decorate their instrument. 
Try to avoid damaging the instruments with tape or exposed sharp metal. 
Parent volunteers who walk with the band, please remain in the back of the band or on the sidewalk behind the spectators during performances.  This will prevent an obstructed view of our performers. 
We also need parent volunteers for the Christmas performance at St. Patrick’s. 
We will need help moving equipment to and from the stage and parking lot,
Help is needed keeping track of children as well as wardrobe changes.  
Please plan on transporting your child's equipment both to and from the church & school.
The official dress for the Christmas Parade is
     Christmas attire primarily red and green
     Extra decorations on outfits and instruments is encouraged
           (just please be careful not to hinder the performance)
     Not picky about the footwear for the parade - please wear something sensible for weather and amount of walking / marching being done.
Music Program Uniforms will be worn for the church performance
Thankful for my salvation,
