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Friday, May 23, 2014


Why should I be a music booster?

Why should I do this?

The primary reason for the booster organization is to support your children.  The music, showmanship, spectacle and pageantry of the marching band experience are also reasons that you may participate as a music booster.  The friendships you will make and the enjoyment of participating in this activity are other benefits you will realize.  But first and foremost, this is for your child and his/her classmates.

What can I do?

There are hundreds of things that you can do to be active as a booster.  One of the most important things you can do is to attend monthly music program booster meetings.  These meetings are where you should ask questions and voice your concerns and ideas about the organization’s activities.  This is where the decisions are made, and you should be a part of that.  Additional ways to help out are to volunteer to chaperon, participate in fundraisers and help out at competitions and performances.

I am new, do they really need me?

Regardless of your occupation or area of experience there are many services you would be able to provide to our music program.

Another important thing to do as a new music parent is get involved right away; do not wait for someone to ask you to help.  Most of the time it's just a small nucleus of members doing the majority of the work.  There may be several reasons for this, but many times it is because they fear being rejected by other parents, they do not know who is willing to help or they are just so busy getting things done that they don’t have time to recruit new members.  New music parents are like new music students because they are “not new by the end of the season”.  First year band members are expected to learn their music and march just like the 8th graders.  First year music parents should do the same.  Don’t wait a year or two to get involved.  The time will go by much too quickly.

If you are an experienced member of the boosters, you should try to make other members feel welcome and needed.  You may have to go outside your comfort level and introduce yourself to new members and make them feel like part of the team.

Why are they always doing fund raisers?

Thousands of dollars are spent each year on the music department.  In most cases, the music boosters must generate this money.  Several events will have to take place to raise the needed funds.  Some of the expenses our music department incurs are:  band review & parade fees, uniform purchases, uniform cleaning, instrument purchases & repairs, new equipment, etc.

What about the day of the competition?

Make sure your child is at the appropriate location at the appointed time.  Our Director Mr. Bj Humpal will send home an agenda for each competition, performance & event along with driving directions.  When our band is traveling to a location, please remember to send the necessary items with your child so that they have everything they need to make their day complete.  Make sure to send them with the correct color of socks & under garments they need to wear with their uniforms, as well as a change of clothes in case of rainy days.  The student should have the appropriate equipment:  reeds, sticks, shoes, flag, etc.

Students should bring a little spending money for food & souvenirs at various events.  Send them on their way with a hug or kiss and make sure you wish all the best to the rest of the students to make sure that they know you will be there for support.
Do you have any suggestions about watching the competitions?

When driving to an event, you should try to arrive at least an hour or two before the band is to perform.  It’s a great tribute to the other schools to know that you support all groups at the event.  Sometimes this isn’t possible, some of the groups don’t have very many people in the stands or following simply because some attendees only want to see their own child perform.  A great incentive for students to perform better is to have a responsive crowd in the stands or in the crowd following them on their route.  Be supportive of the hosting school by purchasing a program of the day’s activities, which will include a list of all those that are competing that day, and in what order they’ll be performing, and other information about their show.  Proceeds from each competition are used by the host school music organization to fund their activities during their season.  Check out the booths, food, and refreshment areas before finding a seat.  This will avoid you having to crawl over people once the competition begins.  Please be considerate of other music groups by showing your support as they pass by.  They have worked hard to prepare their show and appreciate your support.  Please be respectful of all participants and spectators while you are in attendance.  Music students are to be commended for their tireless efforts to get prepared for the competition season.  Whether or not our music group gets what you perceive as a good or bad review by the judges, please be considerate of all the music groups, and let them know that you support them no matter what the outcome is on any given day.

A closing request:

In closing, we would like to say that regardless of the capacity that you serve as a music parent, from an active booster to the prayer warrior cheering in the stands, that the choice to support your child is something you will not regret.  If you are currently not a member of our booster organization then we invite you to get involved.  Please be assured that we want and need your help.  If you are an active music parent/music booster, on behalf of your child and all music members, we would like to say thank you.


Our Lady of Mercy School
Music Booster Organization
Statement of Purpose
       We, the music boosters, understand that a quality music education and competitive band program is very expensive.  Our Lady of Mercy School needs all the help it can get.  Our first priority is to seek God’s help, blessing, direction and wisdom.  We will strive to be the financial support of any and all monetary requests of the music education and band program by way of fundraising and sponsorship.  Acquiring, constructing and/or providing for requests may be submitted as a possible alternative resource.  We recognize that regardless the size of the band, much help is necessary.  The music boosters will assist and/or arrange for assistance as needed/requested.  Promotion of the School, band program, music booster organization, music education classes, and anything else we can think of is acknowledged as an obligation.  Our hope is to ease the financial burden on the students and parents.  We will take it upon ourselves to creatively find ways to help make the music education and band experience the best possible.
Band Booster Officers Positions

President:  AVAILABLE

Presides over regular and special meetings.  Authorized to sign contracts and other legal documents on behalf of the booster organization.  Does not vote at meetings unless there is a tie.  Must be one of the three recorded signatures approved for signing the band check book.  This should be a strong person who gets along well with others…most importantly the Band Director!  May chair one (or more) fundraisers during the year.  This is an elected position.

Vice-President: VACANT

Presides over regular and special meetings if the president is absent.  Authorized to sign contracts and other legal documents on behalf of the booster organization if the president becomes disabled or must be absent for a period of time.  Votes at meetings.  Chairs one (or more) fundraisers during the year.  Assists the president as needed.  Must be one of the three recorded signatures approved for signing the band check book.  This is an elected position.

Secretary: VACANT

Takes minutes at all regular and special meetings.  Authorized to sign contracts and other legal obligations on behalf of the booster organization.  Votes at meetings.  Chairs one (or more) fundraisers during the year.  Responsible for making sure the meeting minutes are filed appropriately in the meeting minutes binder.  Aids in promotion and publicity.  Passes on the meeting minutes binder to the new secretary when leaving office.  This is an elected position.


Works closely with the school secretary in order to keep accurate records for the books for the booster organization.  Makes bank deposits and pays bills as needed.  Develops the annual budget template for use during annual budget meetings.  Votes at meetings.  May chair one (or more) fundraisers during the year.  Prepares budget reports for meetings.  Must be one of the three recorded signatures approved for signing the band check book.  This is an elected position.

Past-President:  NONE

Votes at meetings.  Chairs one (or more) fundraisers during the year.  Serves as a resource for the president.  Serves as chairperson of the nominating committee for the annual board elections which are held in May.  Although this is an elected position, the most recent president automatically gets added to this position whether or not they attend meetings or wish to continue participating following his/her term as president.  Only an active and most recent past-president holds the official title.  In order to avoid a vacancy in this position, the booster organization may waive the term limit.

Guard & winter competition liaison:    (G.W.C. liaison)  AVAILABLE

Votes at meetings.  The G.W.C. liaison is the official representative of the color guard, I.D. unit and winter drum line on the board.  Serves as the “go to” person for members of the G. & W.C. Brings funding requests to the board on behalf of the G.W.C. and the instructors.  Responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of G.W.C. props, backdrops, uniforms and costumes.  This is an appointed position – the “new” board appoints someone to be G.W.C. liaison once they take office.

Uniform manager:   (U.M.)  VACANT

Votes at meetings.  Responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of uniforms of the band proper (and guard also if no G.W.C. liaison).  Serves as the “go to” person for any issues regarding band uniforms.  Attends most performances and competitions.  This is an appointed position – the “new” board appoints someone to be uniform mom/dad once they take office.

Ongoing fundraiser coordinator:   (O.F.C.)

Votes at meetings.  Maintains the ongoing fundraiser and necessary workers.  Does the shopping and meal planning for fundraiser concessions.  Recruits new volunteers as needed.  This is an appointed position – the “new” board appoints someone to be ongoing fundraiser coordinator once they take office.

Communications director:   (C.D.)  AVAILABLE

Votes at meetings.  Liaison to the Principal for the booster organization.  Responsible for the band blog and keeping students & parents up-to-date on all band activities.  There is a wide variety of methods the C.D. may utilize to accomplish this task including parent club.  This is an appointed position – the “new” board appoints someone to be communications director once they take office.

Grant writer:   (G.W.)

Votes at meetings.  Searches for, researches, writes, applies for, does follow-up and relays information regarding grants.  Primarily seeking grants that benefit the band & music program directly however, indirect aid is always welcome.  This is an appointed position – the “new” board appoints someone to be ongoing grant writer once they take office.

Band booster aide:   (B.B.A.AVAILABLE

Votes at meetings.  Has made a commitment to attend the monthly band booster meetings and to work on behalf of the music boosters and/or music program at least 1 hr each week.   The B.B.A. will be in constant communication with all other workers and staff members.  There is no limit to the number of workers to hold the position of B.B.A.  This is a voluntary position.

***The term limit for all elected officers is 2 consecutive years in the same position, except for the Treasurer.
* Available = position filled but person wants to step down
**Vacant = no one in that position at this time

Last Week

Hi again,

Well, the school is winding down but the band is already revving their engines for an exciting new school year!
Mr. Humpal will be at the school all week for regular music classes (except Monday of course).
Friday May 30th is a minimum day.  
Beginning drums will be 10:10 am,
Make up session will be 11:10
Beginning keyboard will start at 12:10.
Please plan on attending the music booster meeting on June 5th. 
We desperately need to discuss the summer fundraiser(s), performance(s) and event(s). 
Also, this is a very important meeting where we get to decide who gets the honor of holding a staff position for the new music booster organization for 2014/2015.  
I've posted the description of duties for the booster organization staff positions, their statement of purpose and some common Q & A.

Our Lady of Mercy school
Music Program Booster Meeting
June 5th
Thursday, in the Band Room
(we will end at 8:00 whether we’re done or not)
from 6:30-8:00 pm
proposed agenda:
Elections for new booster officers,
summer performances & events, 
new fundraisers,
Reports from each officer