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Friday, March 21, 2014

Hello music program,
I hope everyone is adjusting to the spring season well.

Just a couple of reminders for you. 
All next week is minimum day schedule.  We still do all music classes on minimum days, we just do them an hour earlier than normal.  So if, for example, your class is normally at 1:40, we will meet at 12:40 instead. 
All 12:40 students need to bring a quick-to-eat sack lunch as there will be only 10 minutes after school is out before music class starts. 
We will only be doing music classes from Monday through Thursday that week.  I will be out of town on Friday March 28th (sorry).

Our monthly music program booster meeting is Thursday March 27th from 6:30 to 8 pm.  We'd love it if you could attend & offer your input for the spring season. 
Remember, you get volunteer hours for all meetings and music program events you participate in.

        Christ is my Savior,
