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Tuesday, December 2, 2014


BAND BOOSTER MEETING MINUTES - 20 NOV 2014      (By Mr. Humpal)      

The November 20th 2014 music program booster meeting started at 6:41 pm with 7 people present.

             The Band director requested parade & performance confirmation for the upcoming Christmas events.  Class attendance and more personal practice time needs to be encouraged so the students progress can be maximized. 

If your child has not tried on their shoes yet, please make arrangements to do so & pick them up. 

Pants should have been purchased already.  Every student needs black flat front Dickies brand pants with no cargo pockets. 

12-5 & 12-19 are minimum days.  All music program classes will be 2 hours earlier than usual on minimum days. 

Extra help was requested for the Christmas parade and Christmas performance.  At the parade, help is needed with the decorations, heavy instrument carriers need a break from time to time which will also help them to catch up with the rest of the band, also several parents are needed to help with water bottles & supervision.  Extra decorations were requested in case any student neglected to or couldn’t afford to decorate their instrument.  Instruction was given to avoid damaging the instruments with tape or exposed sharp metal.  We also discussed how the parent volunteers who walk with the band should remain in the back of the band or on the sidewalk behind the spectators during performances.  This will prevent an obstructed view of our performers.  We also need parent volunteers for the Christmas performance at St. Patrick’s.  We will need help moving equipment to and from the stage and parking lot, help is needed keeping track of children as well as wardrobe changes.
        The treasurer announced the current balance of the band account.  The communications director mentioned the update of the blog.  The online survey was discussed with a main point mentioned being how parents want to focus on local events.  6 strong volunteers are ready and available for the cleaning & re-arranging of the band room. 

Anna Maria & Amelia are co-chairs for the bake sale.  The dates for the bake sale have been confirmed for the weekend of January 31st to February 1st.  Mrs. Keeler will be contacted about the famous Keeler cake donations.  Mrs. Blackburn & the volunteer hour coordinator will be contacted to see if anyone wants to donate baked goods and/or volunteer at the booth.
            Extra performances were discussed at the retirement homes like mission gardens & Park Merced for sometime in February or March.  More performances are better.  Compliments were mentioned in regards to the Veteran’s Day performances.  A Sun Star article was submitted and will be posted on the blog or web page soon.
            Empty positions were discussed.  The position of ongoing fundraiser coordinator was highly recommended.
            Band performances & events were discussed:  Safe environment training may be done online.  Web site name was announced as “”.  4th grade electives were discussed.  We talked about the upcoming Christmas performances.  The official dress for the Christmas parade is Christmas attire primarily red and green.  Extra decorations on outfits and instruments is encouraged just be careful not to hinder the performance.  Song titles were listed.  The pre-sale tickets were discussed.  The official start date of the ticket sales was announced.  Ticket sales are very heavily encouraged.  Honor band date was changed to Jan 22nd through Feb 7th.  Honor band was described extensively.  Honor band was explained as part of the curriculum of Our Lady of Mercy Music program. 
           Announcement for the bake sale was suggested for the family envelopes.
         Suggestions were made regarding the bake sale.  Please plate store bought items and, if possible, donations should be marked appropriately for sugar free, gluten free or allergens (i.e. peanuts).  Prices were discussed.  Pre-sale tickets were explained.  Chair persons were recognized.
              December meeting was set for January 8th.  The coin jar fundraiser was introduced.  Parent’s requested volunteers for help during the classes.  We discussed individual small garment bags for the Polos & black pants which have already been purchased. 

Gratitude was expressed for the use of the location at the end of the parade.  It was requested to pursue possible use of that same facility for the end of the Christmas parade. 

Meeting adjourned at 8 pm.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving greetings,
I hope everyone enjoyed their week of vacation!  I'm sending this out as an update to be added to what was discussed at the last meeting and the blog.
The final numbers are in for the shoe order.  
If you've already purchased a used pair or if you paid full price for the new ones, kindly disregard this part of the e-mail.  
The final total was $27.87 including tax & shipping.  
If you already paid your $15 down payment (most of you have) then the remaining balance for the shoes is $12.87.  
Remember, only the monthly donation is made out to Mr. Humpal.  
All other payments need to be made out to OLM band and turned in to Teresa.  
Please mark what the purchase is for in the notes portion of your check. 
If your child has not taken their shoes yet, please make arrangements to do so.
The following students NEED to turned in their medical form:
              I. Dimsey
              J. Bartley
              M. Garrison
              T. Dimsey
Please fill out your copy as soon as possible.
Parade & performance availability confirmation for the upcoming Christmas events is needed as soon as you know. 
Respond or call at your earliest convenience.
Pants should have been purchased already. 
Every student needs black flat front Dickies brand pants with no cargo pockets before our December 17th performance.  
Please mark your child's name in permanent ink on the inside tag & bring them in.  
Just a reminder, 12-5 & 12-19 are minimum days. 
All music program classes will be 2 hours earlier than usual on minimum days.
Extra help is requested for the Christmas parade and Christmas performance. 
At the parade, help is needed with
     the decorations,
     heavy instrument carriers need a break from time to time 
     several parents are needed to help with water bottles & supervision. 
Feel free to bring extra decorations in case any student neglected to or couldn’t afford to decorate their instrument. 
Try to avoid damaging the instruments with tape or exposed sharp metal. 
Parent volunteers who walk with the band, please remain in the back of the band or on the sidewalk behind the spectators during performances.  This will prevent an obstructed view of our performers. 
We also need parent volunteers for the Christmas performance at St. Patrick’s. 
We will need help moving equipment to and from the stage and parking lot,
Help is needed keeping track of children as well as wardrobe changes.  
Please plan on transporting your child's equipment both to and from the church & school.
The official dress for the Christmas Parade is
     Christmas attire primarily red and green
     Extra decorations on outfits and instruments is encouraged
           (just please be careful not to hinder the performance)
     Not picky about the footwear for the parade - please wear something sensible for weather and amount of walking / marching being done.
Music Program Uniforms will be worn for the church performance
Thankful for my salvation,


Thursday, November 20, 2014


Band Meeting with Mrs. Blackburn Minutes

8th October 2014

Meeting starts: 6:40 pm.
Mrs. Blackburn introduced the treasurer (parents committee). She gave a summary about the proposed budget, the main points that she mentioned were:

  • Music program cannot do a letter campaign, because it may interfere with the school fundraising. Regarding this topic, she mentioned that this year the school fundraiser has changed. In order to facilitate the parents and committees, the efforts are increased towards the auction.
  • Sending letters to potential donors might confuse and interfere with the school fundraiser.
  • She strongly suggested that the music program should remain on a small scale, because it is an extra curricular activity.
  • She discussed how the performances and activities should remain local, and if we wanted something additional for the music program, then the parents will need to pay in order to support the program.

Several questions were posed in the auditorium regarding the budget and the way that the parents can raise money for the music program.
The main conclusions were:
  • The ONLY FUNDRAISER activity that will be authorized for the Band will be the annual BAKE SALE.
  • DONATIONS will be accepted, as long as they are made directly to OLM MUSIC BAND PROGRAM.
  • Any other donations will be accepted as long as the activity is not performed as a fundraiser under the name of OLM MUSIC BAND program.


Update #5

Tentative Calendar 2014-2015
Only underlined dates have been confirmed

Oct. 28 ---  first crazy early practice 6:40-7:40 am

« mondays Nov. & Dec. ---  electives (basic dance, music & rhythm)

Nov. 3 ---  second crazy early practice 6:40-7:40 am
Nov. 6 ---  Veterans Day performance at OLM 8ish
Nov. 8 ---  field trip to the Central California Band Review, Merced (All Day)
Nov. 11 ---  Merced Veterans Day Parade free?

Dec.   6 ---  Merced Christmas Parade, Merced CA 724-8104
Dec.  17 ---  Christmas Performance at St. Patricks


Jan     --- start selling pre-sale tickets for the bake sale. 
Jan 13-24 ---  MMCMEA County Honor Band audition, practices & performance
Jan. 28 ---  Cherish luncheon performance

Jan 31 & Feb. 1 ---  bake sale fundraiser. 
                              BIGGEST FUNDRAISER IN THE HISTORY OF THE BAND!

«Feb 23 & Mondays in Mar ---  electives (basic dance, music & rhythm)

Mar. 26 ---  Locals Only Winter Show – Golden Valley High School – Merced CA

April 25 ---  Relay for Life Parade

May. 1 ---  entertainment grandparent’s day
May 2 ---  Los Banos Spring Fair parade ($50) 658-0451  or 826-5166
May. 6 ---  end of school year performance and awards
May. 7,8 ---  talent show then Cap & Town performance
May. 16 --- Chowchilla Spring Fair
May. 22-23 ---  end of school year band trip

Jun. 9 ---  practice for fair performance 10:30 am-12:00 noon
Jun. 11 ---  fair performance

Jul. 2 ---  practice for the 4th of July parade  10:30 am-12:00 noon
Jul. 4                ---  4th of July parade

---  summer fundraiser


Band Booster Meeting Minutes (by Secretary, Liza Gomez Daglio)

23rd October 2014

Meeting starts: 6:45 pm.


  •  Mr. Humpal discussed the progress of the children; they are doing a good job, but some of them do not have the music ready for Veterans Day. However, the coaches and Mr. Humpal continue to work with them.
  • Kids need to practice!

-Positions available

  • The announcement for president, vice-president, G & WC Liaison are available, for more information, please contact Mr. Humpal.


After the conversation with Mr. Balckburn, the uniform for this year will be:

  •  Polo shirts. These were ordered and paid by OLM BAND.
  • Black DICKIES (or dress pants, PLEASE no cargo, huskies or pockets). ‘THIS IS PARENTS’ RESPONSIBILITY’
  • Shoes, some parents made the deposits others did not. If you would like to order the shoes to get the bulk discount, please follow Mr. Humpal’s announcements.

-Budget #3

  • Following the meeting with Mrs. Balckburn, the budget was modified. The purchase of band uniform and performance were cut.
  • Rebecca Ybarra made the motion to accept the budget #3 and Amanda Campbell made the second
  • Only local presentations were included in the new budget.
  • Instruments and carriers: The band program needs to replace, buy and fix some of the instruments and carriers in order to all the kids can perform.
  • Not all the children would like to march, so a discussion concerning who wants or need to march was on the table. The idea is to reduce the money that will be spent in the instruments, if there are children that are not willing to march.


  • The only activity allowed by Mrs. Blackburn to fundraise the necessities of the Band program will be the “BAKE SALE”.
  • For the bake sale, it is very important to sell the tickets (pre-sale tickets) in order to raise more money.
  •  Ana María  (chair) and Amelia (aid) will coordinate the fundraiser event.

However, DONATIONS directed to the BAND PROGRAM are more than welcome.

The budget was approved.


Friday, November 7, 2014

Veteran's correction & update

Hi again,
So a few of you noticed the flyer said the parade was on Monday the 11th which might be confusing because the 11th this year is actually a Tuesday.  I apologize for the error.  The date is correct but the day is not.  We will be doing the Veteran's day parade on Veteran's day which is Tuesday November 11th.
The small shoe order is in but they seem a bit tight.  If your child wears 4 1/2 or smaller, please have your child come to the band room tomorrow to try their shoes on.  I'm expecting the large shoe order tomorrow as well so feel free to stop on by just to check.
Only a few students have confirmed their availability for the parade this Tuesday.  Please help me out by letting me know if I need to bring your child's equipment and uniform or not.
Also, we have a slight change this year at the end of the parade.  After turning right on "O" street we will make another right into the alley between Main & 18th.  One of our band parents owns a facility near the end of the parade route.  They would like to invite band parents to bring cookies or drinks into the facility for the children to enjoy after the parade. The name of their academy is Merced MMA and the address is 745 W Main Street. They are across from McAuley motors and literally on the corner of Main and O. The end of the parade turns right past the Academy. Their parking lot, which is directly behind the academy and next to Yosemite Farm Credit, will be open for parking to any band parents.  Please "respond all" to this email to sign-up for what you would like to bring for refreshments.
Just a reminder about Saturday.  November 8th is the big band review here in Merced at Golden Valley High School.  I'm hoping everyone has chosen a good time to swing by & check it out.  Fair warning, the parking is usually pretty bad so plan on coming a little early to make up for a bit of a walk.  Students who record 1 thing they liked, 1 thing they didn't like and 1 thing they saw that they can add to their performance this season, will receive bonus points and extra credit.

          God is Good,


Monday, November 3, 2014


I hope everyone had plenty of candy.  We have a few events this and next week.

First off, Monday morning is our crazy early practice at 6:40 am.  This isn't just in preparation for the upcoming parade on November 11th but also to teach the students how band honors our Veteran's as it's origins are military.  Please try to show up at least a few minutes early in order to have everything ready at the start of the class (equipment checked, instruments assembled, tuned, maintained, etc.).
Secondly, our music program has been invited to perform at the school for the Veteran's on Thursday around 8 am.  In the music folders are 3 patriotic songs the students were instructed to learn.  There will be a test on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week to see who practiced like they're supposed to.  Only the students who have sufficiently learned their song will be participating in this performance.
Third is the "field trip" to the Central California Band Review this Saturday.  I'm calling it a field trip because I want everyone there but it isn't really an official OLM event.  I'm asking parents to bring your children to this very special event sometime between 9:40 am and 12:30 pm to observe the pageantry.  There will be an extra-credit assignment related to the activities of the day.  Not to mention the motivation and inspiration from watching other children on similar instruments performing with such mastery.  I emailed an attachment of a tentative schedule for the day for you to pick & choose which shows you would like to watch.  I recommend the Middle School A & B categories from 10 am to 10:30 and the High School A & AA categories from 11:45 to noon.  The jazz competitions are in the theater at 9:50, 10:15, 11:55, 12:20, 12:45, 1:10, 1:35, 2:00 and 2:25.  Be sure to check out the drum line competitions as well.  Feel free to bring some spending money for snacks & souvenirs which will support our local high school music programs (many OLM band graduates are there now).
The final point to note is the Veteran's day parade on November 11th.  I've attached the flier, map and info for the event to an email sent out.  Don't forget to drop off your black "dickies" brand flat front pants in the band room this week.  Be sure your child's name is on the inside waistband or tag in permanent marker.
Please review your calendars and let me know your availability for these and all music program events as soon as you're able.  It's inconvenient to bring uniforms and equipment for students who do not attend.
I'm excited about our large size, and our parent involvement.  With God's help and hard work, we will have a successful year.

            God Bless our veterans,


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tentative Calendar 2014-2015 Update #5 10-16-14

Tentative Calendar 2014-2015
ALL Dates Subject To Change
Underlined dates are confirmed
Non Underlined dates unconfirmed

Oct 2014
Oct 28 -- First Crazy Early Practice - 6:40am to 7:40am

Nov 2014
Mondays In Nov & Dec --Electives (basic dance, music & rhythm)
Nov 03 -- Second Crazy Early Practice - 6:40am to 7:40am
Nov 06 -- Veterans Day Performance at OLM
Nov 08 -- Central Ca Band Review, Merced (All Day)
Nov 11 -- Merced Veterans Day Parade

Dec 2014
Dec 06 -- Merced Christmas Parade
Dec 17 -- Christmas Performance @ St. Patrick's Church


Jan 2015
Start Selling Pre-Sale Tickets for Bake Sale
Jan 13-24 -- MMCMEA County Honor Band audition, practices & performance
Jan 28 -- Cherish  Luncheon Performance

Feb 2015
Feb 23 --  Electives (basic dance, music & rhythm)

March 2015
Mondays In March Electives (basic dance, music & rhythm)
March 26 -- Locals Only Winter Show - Golden Valley High School - Merced

April 2015
April 25 -- Relay for Life Parade,

May 2015
May 01 -- Entertainment Grandparent's Day - AT OLM SCHOOL
May 02 -- Los Banos Spring Fair Parade, Los Banos
May 06 -- End of School Year Performance & Awards, At OLM School - 6:30 pm for parents
May 7-8 -- Talent show then Cap & Town performance
May 16 -- Chowchilla Spring Fair, Chowchilla, CA
May 22-23 -- End of school year band trip

June 2015
June 09 -- Practice for fair performance 10:30-12
June 11 -- Merced County Fair Performance

July 2015
July 02 -- Practice for 4th of July Parade
July 04 -- Atwater 4th of July Parade
SUMMER FUNDRAISER - looking for ideas, volunteers and someone to chair the events.

Band Meeting Recap

All hallows eve greetings to you all,

Monday, October 20, 2014


Hello Music program,

Well, we might be big enough this year (thank you Jesus), but we're also very young.
Unfortunately, we have to postpone our big uniform purchase this year.  However, the booster organization will be covering the cost of the polo shirts entirely.  
I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and I hope no one is terribly disappointed.
I have some information you should know about for this and next month;  
     1st of all, there is a minimum day schedule all next week.  
          All music classes will still proceed, just 2 hours earlier than usual.  
          For example, if your child's class is normally right after school (2:40-3:40),
                it will still be right after school (12:40-1:40).  
          The 5 classes which meet at this time should plan on bringing a quick-to-eat sack
               lunch or just plan on eating at 1:40 because there will only be 10 minutes to scarf
               something down before class starts.  
          If possible, try to arrange parent/teacher conference around the music class time.
     2nd, there will be a music program booster meeting this Thursday, October 23rd from
               6:40-8:10 in the band room.  
          A flier went home last week.
          If at all possible, try to attend, we have much to discuss & decide on.  
          We're asking for at least one adult for every family to attend.  
          Don't forget, all adults present will receive volunteer hours for this meeting.  
If you absolutely can't make it, please check out our blog ( & web page ( keep up-to-date. 
Our Lady of Mercy school
music program
Booster Meeting
October 23rd
Thursday, in the Band Room
from 6:40-8:10 pm
(we will end at 8:10 whether we’re done or not)
We would like to have at least one adult representative for every band family.  All adults present will earn volunteer hours.  We will be discussing information about the music program as well as our proposed agenda:  Prayer, new booster officers positions, new fundraisers, Reports from each officer
Secretary & Uniforms: Liza Gomez Daglio
Treasurer : Rebecca Ybarra
Communications Director(s): Maria Kasapalli
(Nicole Fonda - Consultant)
Water: Sylvain Masclin
Grant Writer: Jason Dimsey
Band Booster Aides: Anna Maria Vera
If you have any questions, please call
Mr. Humpal at: 723-3833


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Letter from Mrs. Blackburn

BJ and All Band Parents,
I received  a projected band program budget for review.  Before it is approved I will get the School Board's input.  We are in the process of of limiting fundraiser at OLM School.  A letter campaign may not be possible at this time.  As I have explained to Mr. Humpal, band is important, however it is an extra-curricular activity.  Over the past several years, I have made it clear that we need to limit band performances to local events.  This cuts down on costs, but yet gives the students have the opportunity and experience to be a band member.  I will be having a meeting for all band parents on Wednesday, October 8 at 6:00pm in the auditorium to explain the goals of our OLM Band program.  Hopefully, this will clear up any misunderstandings or concerns you may have.  Please try to attend.
Thank you
Mrs. Blackburn

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Hello music program,

If you haven't heard, we had one of the best attended booster meetings ever Thursday night.  Almost every seat was filled.  We discussed much and accomplished quite a bit.  It's very encouraging to know how much support our little music program has.  Thank you all who were able to attend and those who were there in spirit.
Some things you should know about (& clarification for those who were there); we acquired a new booster staff member to tackle the grant writer's position;  we altered the band budget, voted and approved it for submission to Mrs. Blackburn;  we have a new fundraiser with an official chairperson and assistant ready for approval;  & there's a new way to get info to and from thanks to our new communications director.
I will be out of town this Wednesday, October 1st.  I'm sorry but I will need to cancel all music classes that day.  Students are welcome to attend the make-up session on Thursday from 4:40 to 5:40.
We've only had 3 students make their $15 down payment for the bulk rate discount on the shoe order:
If you would like to take advantage of the discount, we need your deposit as soon as possible.  The remaining balance will be determined by the total number of shoes ordered (the more the merrier) but should not exceed 27.95 +S&H.
I have some used shoes in stock for $10 each which may fit the following students:
            Teresa 5 childs
            Benicio  5 childs
            Gabriella  5 childs
            Sydney  5 childs
            Tyler N.  5 childs
            Colby  6 1/2 childs
            Vinnie  6 1/2 childs
            Ian  6 1/2 childs
            Sebastien  6 1/2 childs
            Tyler S.  6 1/2 childs
            Jourdenett  7 childs
            Gena  7 1/2 childs
            Gio  7 1/2 childs
            Alexa  7 1/2 childs
            Phumate  7 1/2 childs
            Michael  8 childs
First come first serve.  If you see an error in size or you know your child is one of the sizes listed but wasn't mentioned, please let me know as soon as possible and I will make the correction.  Thank you.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Dear Band parents
Good evening,
It was a pleasure to meet you all today.
As you know, I am new to OLM band and learning to understand our role as band parents as well as my new role as the Communications Director (CD)( Mr. Humpal is good at these fancy titles!).

Since I work until 7pm on meeting days, I will communicate with you primarily through email. I promise you that I will not inundate your in boxes:) 
I would like to collate your contact information (I know you have given this information earlier. Please one more time!) and other details about what you envision for our band through this google form below: 
Mr. Humpal and I invite ideas and proposals for the layout plan for our band room. Once the layout is finalized with Mrs. Blackburn's approval, I will send out a Doodle scheduler poll to determine the suitable time for us to come together to get the room organized. It will count towards volunteer hours. Our target is to get this finished by December. Based on the number of volunteers, we could accomplish this in one or two weekends, I hope. 
I greatly appreciate your response at the earliest. Thanks for all your love and support for our school and the children.
God bless you immeasurably,
Maria Kasipalli (Maria Radhika Albert)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Hello music program,

I hope everyone is well settled in the swing of things now. 
There was a super fun pool party Saturday with lots of food (thank you band parents very much).
This Thursday is the music program booster meeting from 6:40-8:10 pm in the band room.  
A flier went home at the beginning of the month and again all this week.  
We would like at least one adult representative from each family in attendance even if you have no intention of becoming a staff member.  
All adults present will receive volunteer hours.

Jesus Christ is Lord, Bj

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Mandatory Meeting / Uniform Fitting

Hello music program,

There was a flier which went home this week in regards to the mandatory meeting on Thursday, September 4th from 6:40 to 8:40 pm in the band room.

We would like to fit the students for a band uniform and get some information out regarding upcoming performances, competitions and events.

We may be able to dismiss students early but that would depend on a few things:
      arrival time of the students (first come first serve),
     number of students present,
     number of helpful adults present,
     how well students follow instructions,
     how long each student takes to get dressed,
     how well behaved the students are, etc.

It might make things go a little faster if your child can wear a modest outfit with no buttons, pockets, sleeves or collars (like P.E. clothes?) which will allow them to slip in and out of their band uniform without needing to leave the room.  

If any of you are available to stay the whole time to help move things along, it would be much appreciated.
Also emailed was the uniform agreement.  If you are able, please print one out & fill in the appropriate information prior to the meeting.  
You're welcome to bring your checkbook as we will be asking for a $25 donation made out to OLM for the cleaning, maintenance and usage fee for the uniforms.  
There is also some used band shoes for sale at a discounted rate of $10 if you'd rather not spend more money on new ones.  
I included information in an attachment about the shoes  in the email.  It's possible you might be able to find a better deal online but be sure they are specifically the "Pinnacle Marching Shoe" by "Style Plus" in black or "The IMPULSE Guard and Dance Shoe-White" also by "Style Plus".  
If I can get 8 or more to agree to a bulk order of new shoes, we could make a single purchase with the band account and save a little on the new shoes with a bulk rate discount.  I would just need your child's shoe size and a $15 down payment made out to OLM (the remaining balance will be determined by the total number of shoes ordered).
I know adding another purchase to everything else you're already doing is stressful so we can accept a few partial payments, or if you prefer a total payment at a later date however, the sooner the better. 
We're only allowed one fundraiser a year and that's not until February so we could use all the help we can get.
I'm excited about how much God has blessed this little music program this year.  We have more than doubled since last year!  With your help and especially prayers, we can continue to grow in ability and success.

Jesus Christ is Lord,

Monday, August 18, 2014


Hello music program,

Well, we had a pretty good turn-out with around 25 students confirmed for music classes.  
Sorry this is a little late notice for some of you but, I think I hammered out a feasible schedule.  Please note, if I neglected to mention your child's name, or it's listed in the wrong class, please reply or call and have your child show up to the appropriate class day & time and I'll make the correction.  Also, if you're aware of a time or transportation conflict, please let me know that as well right away.  I still might be able to shuffle a few classes to accommodate.

         God Bless,


Weekly Schedule
For the Music Program
Monday: 2:40-3:40 pm marching band
Flutes:  Addyson & Teresa,
clarinets: Jourrdenett & Arturo,
trumpet: Diego,
bells: Jacob
Mon: 3:40-5:00 pm drum set #1 & 2
#1’s - Vinnie & Tyler S. 
 #2’s - Tiare & Kourosh
Tues: 2:40-3:40 pm drumline
Brison, Caden, Colby, Ian, Jonathan, Sabastien, Anjelique
Tues: 3:40-4:40 pm colorguard
Kyley, Alana, Emilia, Mariana
Wed:  2:40-3:40 pm guitar
Addyson, Gabriella, Gio, Alexa, Madison, Sydney, Benicio, Arturo, Diego
Wed:  3:40-4:40 pm keyboard
Hallie, Joann, Kyley, Jonathan, Michael, Tyler N.
Wed:  4:40-6:00 pm drum set #3 & 1
#3’s - Grace & Mathew 
#1’s - Vinnie & Tyler S.
Thur: 2:40-3:40 pm make up session
Everyone may attend.
Thur: 3:40-4:40 pm Beginning Band
Addyson, Jourrdenett, Teresa, Jacob
Thur: 4:40-5:40 pm drumline / colorguard
drumline:  Brison, Caden, Colby, Ian, Jonathan, Sabastien, Anjelique  
colorguard:  Kyley, Alana, Emilia, Mariana
Thur: 5:40-6:40 pm intermediate guitar
Arturo& Diego
Fri: 2:40-3:40 pm beginning guitar
Addyson, Gabriella, Gio, Alexa, Madison, Sydney, Benicio,
Fri: 3:40-4:40 pm keyboard
Hallie, Joann, Kyley, Michael, Tyler N.
Fri: 4:40-5:40 pm intermediate band
Jonathan, Arturo & Diego
Fri: 5:40-7:00 pm drum set #2 & 3
#2’s - Tiare & Kourosh  
#3’s - Grace & Mathew