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Friday, December 14, 2012

OLM Christmas Performance

Christmas time Greetings to Our Lady of Mercy music Program participants!
If you haven't heard, just around the corner is our Christmas Performance!!!
It will be this Wednesday, December 19th in St. Patrick's Church At 6:30 pm.

Marching band students please show up at 5:45 pm to get ready.  Please wear something modest to be worn under the uniform.   Do your hair nice, we will not be wearing shakos (except Zach for the march). Double check to be certain that Christmas decorations do not hinder performance or cause damage to instrument, parts or equipment (no damaging tape or exposed sharp wire).
All other music program students please show up at 6:10 pm to get ready. Wear the nicest outfit you have (no jeans and T-shirts please).
Students will be responsible for their instrument and equipment in addition to rides to and from the event. Please make arrangements to have large and heavy equipment (drums & keyboards) transported before school is out on Wednesday.  Chairs and music stands aren't guaranteed either. If you need it, bring it.

Family and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend.
There will also be a performance at the School this Tuesday for the students at 8:30 am.
Music Program participants need to remember to bring their instrument, music and equipment to the school on Tuesday. It is the student's responsibility to request permission to leave class Tuesday morning. I recommend mentioning it to the teacher on Monday to keep it fresh in their mind.
The performance line-up will be the same for both shows.

1st performance Bucket line, after performance everything off (bucket line)
2nd performance Guitar with piano (keyboards), after performance leave 5 chairs & stands
3rd performance Drum line, after performance stays on
4th performance Beginning with drum line, after performance leave 5 chairs & stands
5th performance Drum set, after performance, with help, everything off (drum set) leave 5 chairs & stands
6th performance Advanced band, after performance everything off clear the stage
7th performance Marching band, after performance everything off & CHANGE QUICK!!

The bucket line will be in front of the stage and on the first 2 steps at the start of the show with the guitar & keyboard classes in one row behind them.
The drum line instruments will already be on stage behind the guitar & keyboard row with the
drum set on stage as well. The drum line students may enter the stage and put their instruments on while the audience is clapping for the 2nd performance and stays on the stage after their show while the beginning band enters.
The drum set class could use help from anyone available to get the drum set off the stage (just grab what you can carry) be sure to leave 5 chairs & stands for the advanced band.
The advanced band could use help with the chairs & stands after they perform so the stage is clear for the marching band.
Wind instruments and percussion will line up on stage right (audiences' left) while the color guard & drum major have the stage & floor in the center.
After performing the march, anyone in the play needs to quickly change into their costume (don't wait for dismissal).

We will have less than 5 minutes for each performance.
It is very important that students only take onto stage what they need for their performance (no books, cases, old music, etc.).
We could use a band parent back stage to help relay "you're up" and "you're on deck" to the performers to help things go smoothly. Please double check equipment after the show.  Things have been lost in the past. We want everything back at the school before Christmas vacation. If you took it there, please bring it back too.
I appreciate all the prayers, help and support from those who've been doing it. I know this is going to be a good show.

I'm excited about the new season. Please stay updated with our band blog.

following the star,

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